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Birthday Parties

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To celebrate another year...
Don't forget that your friends are some of the most important people in your life. A celebration of whatever comes in your mind is worth inviting your friends, family and colleagues. Have a party for no reason! Well, AM4U will be able to provide you with Entertainment which rocks your feet off the dance floor. Get ready for a sweaty night with a lot of dancing and singing. Enjoy the moment and be a star for a night because your friends will never forget YOUR party when you hire one of our AM4U singers!
Book a birthday singer!

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Terms & Conditions: Upon submitting the booking form will process your enquiry manually, which can take up to 24 hours. Upon completion, we will get back to you with a total cost which, upon receiving a required deposit of 20% to cover administration costs, secures and confirms your booking. Please note, this deposit is non-refundable. Furthermore, any booking for locations outside of a 50 km radius from the Sydney CBD will also incur a travel expense surcharge.

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